Thursday, January 16, 2014

01.03 Materials and Free Choice

Hello, and sorry about the title it an assignment that once again and in this post I’ve been assigned to do. It’s an assignment by my online teacher to I don’t know what write a post or something like that. Anyway, so let’s begin or shall we and normally my don’t really read a whole lot. But I do read online comic, manga and fan fictions. I pretty much read a manga when I can and pretty much read a fan fiction every day, recently I read an essay for my after school activities teacher, it kind of like a start to a bunch of essay for collages I’m going to be doing senior year.

Other thing is the attack on titian manga; I’ve finally been able to get it thanks to my mommy and a few others. Anyhow, they manga really is different from the anime and it’s kind of straight to the point. It’s sort of confusing to follow still, at least to me but I was finally able to follow it after the 3rdone. unfortunately I can’t continue on reading it till I get the next volume, I don’t want to go to manga fox to spoiled the rest even though I kind of know what gonna happen next.

Manger spoiler and thanks a lot anime, other thing before I close this post is that. I need to say or stated my results on the “What Kind of Reader Are You?”quiz for the class  and my results were

You like to read information that is based in reality. When you read, you like for it to have a clearly defined purpose that is apart from simply being entertaining. Consider picking up newspapers and magazines for your Free Choice Blog.

You like to escape when you read. You enjoy stories that tell you about something other than your normal life. As long as it's not real, it's up your alley. Consider picking up books and short stories for your Free Choice Blog.

Um non-fiction is my strong suite, my results were non-fiction and secondarily fiction. I prefer fiction as I read too many fan fiction, and read too many manga to every think I could even touch a non-fiction book, I like the imagination and creativity.

As well as the amazing art it takes to make manga, I want to stick to them because I find manga special as it keeps me close to my family. Especially since I’m the one who got them into it in the first place, and my teacher can argue with me all they want especially my English 3 teacher, I don’t care about stupid grammar or the fact that it’s not historical accurate or is made up.

 It doesn’t matter because I found another thing that could keep me close to my family though my patch of fiction stuff, after all isn’t imagination the coolest thing of all about life. After all it took imagination to make a lot of great books that aren’t based on facts or history, it’s not based on a true story and I’m fine with that.



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Introductions: Hello I'm Cynthia

Hi, I’m Cynthia Tejada and I go to Dillard high school, I’m in the magnet program for arts so it more like I go to Dillard center of the arts. I’m alright when it comes to going to school and stuff, I’m pretty much like any other ordinary person who lives on earth and goes to my school.
But then again I’m not as normal as people would seem, I’m into anime and a lot of Dillard don’t really like it, at least some people. I have few friends and even fewer anime friends; I’m like a big sister to some freshmen who are into anime at my school. I kind of a nerd when it comes to the video games (stuff like that) and I’m kind of fascinated by how someone could hack a firewall of a video games.
I’ve never cheated at a game and a play honest, just because I’m fascinated with video game hacking doesn’t mean I do any of that stuff. I draw anime and I’m working in development with a few manga ideas, I kind of play my 3ds almost every chance I get at school and at home.
I kind of slack on homework but who doesn’t after coming home from a boring day of school as can be, I’m a creative writer and I like to make up stories. Heck, I’ve even written a few poems and stories. I do have special talents like I can kind of finish a video game within 3 days and finish a puzzle faster than most, and I think this pretty much covers the introductions stuff. But what should I know whether or not, I’m not good with introducing myself….