Friday, February 14, 2014

02.07- Free Choice Blog

I don’t particularly read book, but I do read random stories on my phone, like the one I read yesterday.

It was from the person’s point of view and he was talking about no matter how much time when by he could never meet his love one again because he wasn’t human, that he surpassed even his lover in life. Even though his person he loved told to be happy they man is anything but. He starts to regret not being human and even starts neglect himself, anyhow eventually his lover was reincarnated and everything is all happy again.

My personal reaction to it was that I cried and it was quite sad but I kind of understand his feeling of you love ones dying, but I was happy that he got to reunite with his love one in the end and I made me kind of happy that the story ended on a happy note.

I usually use list for notes since that what I usually use but I use something a bit more complex since the story was a 7 k+ or a 7 thousand word story which is more than more thousand word stories, and sometimes the usually 55 thousand word stories which our agonizing long. That I usually read, but anyway I would use the outlines or web to point out the detail and the main idea and then figure out the themes and such

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